
Thu 18 May 2023


Posted by www.Linkidea.cn in blog/adetail   

#site_name#了解到,泰国的零售业有以下三个发展趋势: ,越来越多的消费者会购买健康生活用品,如玩具、电子游戏设备、奢侈品和运动鞋;第二,消费者希望尽快收到所购买的商品,并且愿意支付更多的运费,但更有可能购买运费低的产品;第三,卖家们正在接受应用程序接口(API)等新技术,以便在多个网站发布产品。

#site_ Name# learned that the retail industry in Thailand has the following three development trends: more and more consumers will buy healthy daily necessities, such as toys, video game equipment, luxury goods and sports shoes; Second, consumers hope to receive the purchased goods as soon as possible and are willing to pay more freight, but they are more likely to buy products with low freight; Third, sellers are accepting new technologies such as application program interfaces (APIs) to publish products on multiple websites.50 ins followers,smmfollows