
Thu 18 May 2023


Posted by www.Linkidea.cn in blog/adetail   

< p >我们知道,海关的AEO认证,无论是新申请还是重新认证,都非常重视企业规章制度的“< g>有效落实”。倘若在疫情期间没有及时应对,等到疫情过去后,再去做些“摆拍”、“倒签”、“修补”之类弄虚作假的事情,既对当前的疫情防控于事无补,又劳民伤财,还难免留下破绽,影响通过认证,可谓有百害而无一利。

< p > we know that the AEO certification of the Customs attaches great importance to the "< g > effective implementation" of enterprise rules and regulations, whether it is a new application or re certification. If there is no timely response during the epidemic period, when the epidemic is over, do some fraud such as "shooting", "reverse signing" and "repair", which will not help the current epidemic prevention and control, but also waste people and money. It will inevitably leave flaws and affect the passing of certification, which can be said to be harmful but not beneficial.add likes to instagram free,buy IG likes paypal