
Thu 18 May 2023


Posted by www.Linkidea.cn in blog/adetail   

那保证金的对我们卖家的影响我们就要展开详细唠唠了,大家都知道,虾皮有店群和精品运营模式之分,先给大家分析一下店群,店群和精品玩法不一样,因为店群大部分走的是铺货模式,大家都知道报活动的话需要消耗很多时间要一个一个商品去编辑,那玩店群的卖家至少有几十家甚至上百家店铺,所以这会很消耗时间以及资金,就算他们报活动也是一两家去报,因此店群对活动的需求不大,没有一定必充性。那如果你是普通卖家想蹭一点活动流量的话,还是需要充的。退一步来说,我们都知道虾皮是活动型平台,因为虾皮有很多活动,例如月中年终,双10,11,12,以及每个站点的一些节假日等等活动,那说到这个,看过大木老师直播的应该都知道虾皮店铺有三个流量渠道, 个是自然流量,第二个是广告,第三个就是我们的活动。

The impact of the deposit on our sellers will be discussed in detail. As we all know, there are store groups and boutique operation modes. Let's first analyze the store groups. The store groups and boutique operation modes are different, because most of the store groups follow the distribution mode. As we all know, it takes a lot of time to edit the products one by one. There are at least dozens or even hundreds of sellers playing in the store groups, Therefore, it will consume a lot of time and money. Even if they report an event, they will report it by one or two. Therefore, the store group has little demand for the event, so it is not necessarily sufficient. If you are an ordinary seller and want to scrape some activity traffic, you still need to charge it. To put it another way, we all know that shrimp skin is an activity platform, because shrimp skin has many activities, such as mid month and end of the year, double 10, 11, 12, and some festivals and holidays of each site. When it comes to this, those who have watched the live broadcast of Mr. Damu should know that there are three traffic channels in the shrimp skin shop, the first is natural traffic, the second is advertising, and the third is our activities.smm pak panel,100 free Instagram likes

我们先分析一下保证金前后的区别,之前平台同样有活动,只是不需要缴纳这个保证金,所以会出现一个问题就是大批的卖家都进来去抢占活动坑位去报名,反正想着这样对店铺也没有损失,这样一来就会导致整个活动的质量下降。当平台改革需要交保证金这个动作,势必会劝退一部分卖家,那么这一部分卖家的坑位就会退让出来。而保证金下扣款这个情况,同样也会筛选掉一批卖家,什么样的卖家呢,比如说这个卖家报了一个9比索闪购活动,平台会要求他在一到两天内出货,那么他就不敢随便报活动,因为他 要出几百单甚至更多。很可能有个情况是他一大部分货是发不出去的,那发不出去这批货就会被取消,取消就会产生扣款,那么大部分订单都要扣款,他这个保证金很快就会扣完。但是闪购也不是亏的,相反闪购给我们带来的流量比我们想象的要多得多,一场闪购可以给店铺带来差不多一千个流量,而且闪购不仅可以带动关联销售,而且还能拉高订单的客单价,这可比开广告的费用要划算得多!