
Thu 18 May 2023


Posted by www.Linkidea.cn in blog/adetail   

< p >尽管价格不会是 影响购物车有无的因素,但是价格对于是否能获取购物车毫无疑问是有巨大影响的。我们需要将运输等费用综合之后,再制定销售价。价格的竞争力并不一定是以平台上 低的价格出售,而是需要我们因时制宜。当某产品的售价发生了变化,或是有新的卖家进入了市场,制定了更有诱惑力的价格时,我们可能也会需要对应的调整我们的价格方案以不落人后。

< p > although price will not be the only factor affecting the availability of shopping carts, there is no doubt that price has a great impact on the availability of shopping carts. We need to integrate the transportation and other expenses before setting the sales price. Price competitiveness does not necessarily mean selling at the lowest price on the platform, but we need to adapt to the time. When the selling price of a product changes, or a new seller enters the market and makes a more attractive price, we may also need to adjust our price scheme accordingly to avoid falling behind.free Facebook like,best smm panel for facebook

< p >对于季节性产品,亚马逊会在其销售高峰期提高该产品的库存量,这是因为采取这样的方案能降低客户不满意的可能性。换句话说,能持续销售大量产品的卖家,在购物车的争夺上就能总比同样产品,同样Li i g的卖家更有优势。