
Thu 18 May 2023


Posted by www.Linkidea.cn in blog/adetail   

SKU增多但销售额不增等同于退步, 看了一下产品情况 ,好几个竞品都有弄折扣,我也帮战士们弄了会员专享,有悖于之前的“高利润”.  这个举动是顾及竞品们这几天的强劲把产品排名推前及巩固,后期战士们要上来就更难.

Increasing SKU but not increasing sales is tantamount to retreating. After looking at the product situation, several competitive products have discounts. I also helped the soldiers get exclusive membership, which is contrary to the previous "high profit" This move is to take into account the strength of competitive products in recent days and push the product ranking to the top and consolidate. It will be more difficult for soldiers in the later stage to come uphost someone on ins,bulk IG followers

比如咖啡,他的新品期在缺货前几乎长期居住NR#1, 小类#前50名,在经历了近一个月的缺货后,上架后明显感觉到自己#100?站稳脚跟很难,有时冲进去却不稳,现在更多的是在??#150-200 之间.?