
Thu 18 May 2023

2020年ebay卖家业绩喜人!eBay哪些工具和技术功不可没?IG likes,get 100 free ins likes

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eBay从美国进行的一项调查中发布了新数据,该数据显示了eBay的工具和技术如何使卖家的业务蒸蒸日上。eBay表示,他们的技术不仅可以帮助卖家在市场上起步并运行,其工具和数据库对销售额的增长更有如虎添翼的作用。2020年超过一半的eBay卖家在市场上发展得风生水起,eBay的 新工具和技术功不可没。

EBay released new data from a survey conducted in the United States, which shows how eBay's tools and technologies make sellers' businesses prosper. EBay said that its technology can not only help sellers get started and run in the market, but also its tools and database can play a more powerful role in the growth of sales. In 2020, more than half of eBay sellers developed rapidly in the market, and eBay's new tools and technologies contributed a lot.IG likes,get 100 free ins likes


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eBay卖家体验副总裁Harry Temkin表示:“我们的目标是继续创新并创建有助于卖家体验的工具,简化其运营过程并促进销售。”


  • 新工具和技术

eBay的 新技术完美符合卖家的运营需求。调查发现,有52%的卖家使用“推荐商品”技术以提高卖家的知名度。Time Away的优势在于其功能允许卖家在度假或远离销售时自动更新其商品信息并保护其按时交货记录,有40%的卖家对该功能好评如潮。超过三分之一的受访者表示,“买家出价”功能对其2020年的业务贡献巨大。


除此之外,81%的卖家认为 有助于维护和发展其业务的eBay工具还是运输工具,除此之外分别是定价工具(66%),改善客户体验工具(65%)和listing优化工具(65%)。


  • 未来的工具和技术

#site_name#了解到,接受调查的卖家中有72%的人认为拥有支持航运的技术应用程序和功能将 有助于未来的业务发展,其次是上市管理工具(61%)和定价工具(59%)。此外,其他工具对将来的业务发展也很重要,包括改善eBay商店视觉吸引力的工具(45%),销售报告工具(34%)和提供有关数据的仪表板的见解工具,帮助卖家提升业务水平的卖家业务(30%)工具等。

#site_ Name # learned that 72% of the sellers surveyed believed that having technology applications and functions supporting shipping would contribute to future business development, followed by listing management tools (61%) and pricing tools (59%). In addition, other tools are also important for future business development, including tools to improve the visual appeal of eBay Stores (45%), sales reporting tools (34%), insight tools for dashboards that provide relevant data, and seller business tools (30%) that help sellers improve their business level.IG likes,get 100 free ins likes

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