
Thu 18 May 2023

继奢侈品牌手表后,eBay又为这一品类推出正品保证服务buy IG followers with paypal,ins likes

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所有符合条件的商品在配送至您的买家之前,都会由独立的鉴定师进行详细检查。如果您的买家选择退货,鉴定师会在将商品寄回给您之前进行检查。运动鞋的正品保证服务仅在有限的时间内免费,并且卖家对价格超过100美元的运动鞋无需支付 终价值费用。

All eligible goods will be carefully inspected by an independent appraiser before being delivered to your buyer. If your buyer chooses to return the goods, the appraiser will check the goods before sending them back to you. The genuine guarantee service of sports shoes is free for only a limited time, and the seller does not need to pay the final value fee for sports shoes with a price of more than $100.buy IG followers with paypal,ins likes





If your product meets the qualification conditions, the blue check mark of "genuine guarantee" will automatically appear on the listing. When a qualifying item is sold, you will receive a confirmation email stating that the item was sold under warranty. In addition, this information will be indicated in the order details of the seller's center.buy IG followers with paypal,ins likes

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