
Thu 18 May 2023

eBay正在测试一系列新功能!助力卖家业务发展!Instagram video likes free

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#site_name#获悉,近日,eBay首席产品官Pete Thompson表示,为了帮助卖家推广产品、提高营销力、扩大品牌知名度以及更好地在在线市场中生存,eBay正在执行一系列有效的措施。

据报道,eBay正在不断升级与发展eBay商店,包括新的现代店面、丰富的商品销售功能、允许卖家在店面中展示有特色的产品(如以促销活动为特色,利用编码优惠券);eBay正在测试一个”About Me“的标签,其允许卖家能够讲述个人故事,展示产品理念,吸引更多的卖家并建立品牌信任度。

It is reported that eBay is constantly upgrading and developing its stores, including new modern stores, rich commodity sales functions, and allowing sellers to display distinctive products in the stores (such as using coded coupons to feature promotional activities); EBay is testing an "about me" tag that allows sellers to tell personal stories, show product ideas, attract more sellers and build brand trust.Instagram video likes free

Pete Thompson表示,eBay正在测试让买家更快地进入商店并了解更多的关于产品资源的方法,以此来帮助卖家了解其客户的喜好。此外,eBay正在不断升级商品详情页支持的视频格式,以更好地帮助卖家发展广告业务,提升消费者的购物体验。

Pete Thompson said eBay is testing ways to let buyers enter the store faster and learn more about product resources to help sellers understand their customers' preferences. In addition, eBay is constantly upgrading the video format supported by the product details page to better help sellers develop their advertising business and enhance consumers' shopping experience.Instagram video likes free

同时,Pete Thompson分享了一些eBay已经获得的成就:

  • 先前访问过eBay商店的买家比没有访问过的买家,购买率高出20-65%。

  • 2020年,eBay移动应用程序的下载量超过了5000万次。

  • 自3月底推出“编码优惠券”以来,已有260万独立买家在350万次交易中使用该优惠券

  • 自去年为运动鞋和奢侈手表推出“正品保证计划”以来,eBay已经认证了超过一百万件商品。

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